Author Guidelines

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Information for Authors

When you submit manuscript to the BCRP Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Technology, please upload the document including Manuscript, Graphical Abstract, highlights, and Figure/Table compact in microsoft word 6.0 or later only.Maximum number of pages for manuscript is restricted to 6 pages only.


Subscription of original manuscripts should be done ONLY through the online submission system. Authors are instructed to register themselves first at the Register page of this portal following the registration guidelines available there. Only registered authors are allowed to login and submit their manuscripts to this journal. Kindly note that NO other mode of submission will be entertained.


Manuscript should contain text, in sequence of title, authors and their affiliations, abstract, keywords, main text part, acknowledgments, references and figure/table captions list in Word document, and supplement/supporting information if any. The figures are to be embed in the main text.


All submissions must be based on the BJIRST article template. The original tempalte can be downloaded from Here


The BJIRST journal editorial board cannot permit unfortunate situations when authors submit the same, or nearly identical manuscript to more than one journal. In such cases: the manuscript in question found more than 30% plagiarized article will be rejected.


Abstract for research article should set out briefly and clearly the main objectives and results/conclusions of the work; it should give the reader a clear idea of what has been achieved.


The requirements on the drawings provided are listed as below: Resolution is 300 dpi at least; the format is JPEG/ PNG; Please do not submit drawings as separate files. Figures must have caption and Figure number.


Please provide the grant number(s) and the name of supported foundation items correctly for identification purposes in the end of text.


The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and the publisher.


To contact the BCRP Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Technology. Please send the email to the associate editor :